Our Statement of Purpose
The Great Ends of the Church
The great ends of the church are:
the proclamation of the gospel for the salvation of humankind;
the shelter, nurture, and spiritual fellowship of the children of God;
the maintenance of divine worship;
the preservation of the truth;
the promotion of social righteousness;
and the exhibition of the Kingdom of Heaven to the world.
Our mission at Light Memorial Presbyterian Church is to fulfill God's purpose for our Church and its people. to accomplish our mission, we therefore pledge to:
~ Present a dynamic, theologically strong, Christ-centered worship
~ Provide Christian education
~ Nurture members to share their faith, demonstrating as much through spiritual disciplines, service, and stewardship of talents and time.
~ Actively minister to the needs of our community with compassion

Throughout the year Light Memorial Presbyterian Church receives two special offerings for Mission through the greater Church PC(USA):
~ One Great Hour of Sharing is received during the Easter Season.
~ Christmas Joy Offering is received during Advent.
In addition to these two mission offerings we also do local mission which includes:
~ Dreams for Teens - which provides teenagers with Christmas money in the form of Chamber Dollars.
~ Provide Chamber Certificates to those who are struggling financially when requested.
~ Salvation Army - we collect food for the Salvation Army throughout the year.
~ Blanket Fund - The Deacons sponsor this and goes to needy countries to those less fortunate that we are.